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4/22/25, 10:30 PM

Northside Library

Cultivating Hope And Action

For Earth Day Charlottesville NOW and Sierra Club Piedmont Group team up to provide practical solutions to save our environment at 6:30 PM on Tuesday, April 22 at Northside Library in Charlottesville.

From landscape architect Martha Donnelly and a short video, learn how to restore nature and experience the joy of creating native habitat. Whether you have a single pot on a balcony or acres of land, you can be part of the Homegrown National Park movement that’s saving biodiversity in our yards.

And hear an eye-opening talk by Kendl Kobbervig, Advocacy and Communications Director with Clean Virginia, the group working to advance clean government and clean energy by fighting utility monopoly corruption in Virginia politics. 

RSVP requested.

The Art of Resistance

The Art of Resistance



Charlottesville NOW presents The Art of Resistance at McGuffey Art Center, featuring the work of artist and activist Dawn Hanson. Hanson expresses her political worldview in a less-than-subtle mixed media exhibition, “What’s Left? What’s Right?”—calling out the absurdity, corruption and injustice of current events in American politics. Designed to educate and to motivate people toward action, her thought-provoking works perfectly align with NOW’s core values and mission. Connect with NOW leaders, support C'ville NOW, and enjoy the artist talk, studio tour, and special guests at this after-hours special event. Friday, March 14 at McGuffey Art Center, 201 2nd St. NW, in downtown Charlottesville. If possible, arrive before McGuffey closes to the public at 6:00 PM, locking all but one door. Enjoy the Art Center on your own until 6:00 PM when The Art of Resistance program begins. Festive refreshments will be served.

Lawmaking 101: Looking Ahead to 2025 and Beyond

Lawmaking 101: Looking Ahead to 2025 and Beyond



Post national election, we turn our attention to the states. On February 4 the Cville NOW Chapter Program will focus on how laws get made in Virginia. Our guest speaker is Professor Craig Volden from the Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy and the Department of Politics at the University of Virginia. He also founded and co-directs the Center for Effective Lawmaking. The Center has compiled a massive database, the first of its kind, to measure the effectiveness of nearly every state legislator in the U.S. The data will help good governance partners such as Cville NOW as well as lawmakers. Our own state lawmaker, Delegate Amy Laufer, also joins us to share some legislative priorities for the 2025 General Assembly session. And she has a wonderful gift to present to Cville NOW. Don’t miss this informative and fun program!





Post-election party! Join C’ville NOW’s Friendsgiving celebration to debrief, de-stress and decompress together after the election. The festivities will begin at 6:30 PM, and some notable guests may stop by! Festive light refreshments will be provided. Don’t miss the fun! Northside Library, 705 Rio Rd. W., with accessible parking.

My So-Called Selfish Life

My So-Called Selfish Life



Cville NOW presents a FREE screening of My So-Called Selfish Life, an entertaining and thought-provoking documentary about one of the greatest social taboos: choosing not to be a mother. Drawing upon pop culture, science and history, the film showcases the rich diverse lives of people who say no to having kids and reveals the forces that marginalize them in society. Award-winning filmmaker, author and activist Therese Shechter deploys her characteristic wit and keen intellect to confront the entrenched assumption that motherhood is not only a biological imperative but the defining measure of womanhood. Entertaining, inspiring, and extremely timely, My So-Called Selfish Life questions the cultural narratives that shape our identities, and sparks a debate about who’s really in control of women's bodies and lives. Available in person at 6:30 PM on October 9 at Northside Library and available to stream Oct 10-24.

Cville Sabroso

Cville Sabroso



NOW is excited to cosponsor the Cville Sabroso Latin American/Hispanic culture festival, 1 - 10 PM Saturday, September 21 at the Ting Pavilion in Charlottesville. The non-stop live music, dance performances, artisan crafts, food and interactive cultural activities will immerse you in the warmth and hospitality of Latino communities. This family friendly event includes a Free Kids’ Zone (1 - 6 PM) with face painting and supplies for making traditional handcrafts. Come visit Cville NOW’s table 1 - 6 PM and experience the fun with us. Priced for all to enjoy: Under 13 FREE, 13-17 $5, Adults $10.

Democracy Day 2024

Democracy Day 2024



Join Cville NOW and other community organizers on September 14 to celebrate Democracy Day, an international day established by the UN to promote and uphold the principles of democracy. Visit our table display to score info, swag and snacks! There will be music, and great speakers, including Senator Creigh Deeds, Delegate Katrina Callsen, and former Delegate David Toscano, will fire up the crowd! Don’t miss the fun!

VA NOW Statewide Conference

VA NOW Statewide Conference



Join Charlottesville NOW at the Virginia NOW statewide conference to be held in Charlottesville! Bring your ideas, enthusiasm, goals — this is the time for everyone to be involved! The Conference will be on Saturday, July 13, noon-4:00pm at the Water Street Center, 407 E. Water Street. Lunch will be provided. RSVP is required: For questions about the conference, email This is also the year for VA NOW's biennial officer election. If you’re interested in running for office, apply using this form: You can view the officer position descriptions on Virginia NOW’s website: A nominee for state office must be a member of Virginia NOW for 3 months prior to the election date. All members in good standing at least 30 days prior to the election date may vote.

Join C'ville NOW for the Community Read

Join C'ville NOW for the Community Read



To celebrate Women’s History Month and Earth Day, Charlottesville NOW joins other community partners for The Community Read and followup event. FREE copies of the book are available at all branches of the Jefferson-Madison Regional Library and at Little Free Library locations throughout Albemarle and Charlottesville. Read with us! All We Can Save: Truth, Courage and Solutions for the Climate Crisis is a collection of writings from women at the forefront of the climate movement. The Community Read will culminate with a resource fair and panel discussion on Sunday, April 21, 1-3pm at JMRL Central Branch, 201 E. Market Street in downtown Charlottesville. Thought-provoking dialogue, helpful resources related to climate work, ways to celebrate women, inspiration to imagine a more inclusive and equitable world, and more! RSVP to learn more and subscribe to the event newsletter for updates and recommended reads from the community partners, including Albemarle County, the City of Charlottesville, Jefferson-Madison Regional Library, the Piedmont Group of the Virginia Sierra Club, Piedmont Environmental Council, ReLeaf Cville, and Resilient Together.

Join C’ville NOW at Festival of the Book!

Join C’ville NOW at Festival of the Book!



On March 20, hear Rachel Beanland discuss her novel, Florence Adler Swims Forever. The book won the 2020 National Jewish Book award and was chosen for the Same Page Community Read by the Jefferson Madison Regional Library. 
5:30pm Wednesday, March 20, Jefferson School African American Heritage Center (book signing at 6:30)
FREE -- Limited seating so arrive early.

On March 23, hear Virginia Senator Danica Roem speak about her book, Burn the Page: A True Story of Torching Doubts, Blazing Trails, and Igniting Change. Roem, the first transgender state senator in the U.S. and a vivid storyteller, shares how she transformed what some might consider weak points into her greatest strengths.
10:30am Saturday, March 23, Paramount Theater (book signing at 11:30) TICKETS $15 General Admission / $8 Students

Banned Books & Bagels

Screening of the 2024 Oscar nominated short film, The ABCs of Book Banning, a powerful and timely examination of book banning efforts which are sweeping the country. Showcasing those impacted by school district book bans, the film explores the human toll future generations will pay for depriving children of the right to read and learn about our complex world. After the film, panelists will discuss book bans in Virginia and share their lived experiences of not seeing books that reflect and speak to them. And bounteous bagel spread for refreshments!

Chapter Meeting and Holiday Social

Chapter Meeting and Holiday Social



Join Cville NOW to wrap up 2023 and get fired up for 2024! At this last chapter meeting of the year we’ll recap this year’s work and accomplishments and make plans for the future. Bring your ideas and your questions. Afterward we’ll get social! Join the fun as we mix, mingle and jingle our way toward the new year together. Ugly holiday sweater attire is encouraged! Light festive refreshments.





Post-election, celebrate with feminist friends—join Charlottesville NOW for Friendsgiving! Enjoy potluck savory or sweet snacks (appetizer or dessert) as we engage in an election debrief and preview what’s next. Nosh and network Friendsgiving fun for everyone!

Politics and Postcards

Politics and Postcards



Candidate meet and greet at The Center at Belvedere. An informal gathering to hear from state and local candidates whose platforms align with NOW priorities. And plenty of postcards to write there or to take home to do later. All supplies provided for this immediate, easy action to turn out underrepresented voters in the critical November General Assembly election. And refreshments to fuel the fun! Bring friends, bring kids—everyone welcome! The Center, 540 Belvedere Boulevard, has plenty of easy parking.

Rant and Write

Rant and Write



Charlottesville NOW interest meeting and postcard writing party! We know you’re ranting…we are too! Learn more about Cville NOW and how you can get involved. Take immediate action by writing postcards to underrepresented voters to turn them out for the Virginia General Assembly election in November. Stop by or stay for a while. We have 1000’s of postcards, all the supplies you need and refreshments to keep you fueled for the write! Handwriting not your thing? There are labels. And stamps. Bring your friends…bring your kids! Feminist fun for all!

Celebrate Women's Equality Day

Celebrate Women's Equality Day



On Saturday, August 26, the day women gained voting rights in 1920, we celebrated from 2:00-4:00pm at Firefly. Suffragist Susan B. Anthony made an appearance! Members brought friends and their kids.

Walking in Two Worlds

Walking in Two Worlds



On Thursday, June 22, Charlottesville NOW will hold an in-person chapter meeting. Join us at 5:30pm to say thank you to outgoing board members and welcome our newly elected board! After chatting over refreshments, we’ll enjoy a speaker program about indigenous people from our area. Local Native American Mary Wilson will share a synopsis of her personal journey and how the topics of erasure, sovereignty, and justice have been and are woven into her Red Road path: erasure in not being seen, sovereignty in pidgin-holing through symbols, and justice in discrimination. Register to attend.

Chapter Meeting and Board Elections

Chapter Meeting and Board Elections



Charlottesville NOW will hold a chapter meeting via Zoom at 7:00pm on Wednesday May 24. Pursuant to our Bylaws, this meeting will include the biennial election of a Board of Directors. Only members in good standing may vote, but all are welcome to attend as we look back and ahead. Come participate in the festivities to say thank you and goodbye to outgoing board members and welcome the incoming directors.

Chapter Meeting

Chapter Meeting



Charlottesville NOW in-person chapter meeting with light dinner provided as we got acquainted and caught up. For those new to Cville NOW or considering applying to join the Board of Directors, this was a great chance to learn more about us and get their questions answered. Meeting was in Albemarle County, just east of Charlottesville city limit (near Darden Towe Park).

Women's History Month Literary Social

Women's History Month Literary Social



For Women’s History Month, join Charlottesville NOW for a Virginia Festival of the Book event and social gathering afterward (or just come for the social if you can't make the author event).

About the Book
Sing Her Name, a novel by Rosalyn Story, follows two musically gifted women whose lives overlap across the boundaries of time—a 19th century concert singer whose career is thwarted by racism and a talented 21st century waitress who has a chance to revive the singer’s name and reach her own success—if her family ties don’t hold her back.

Coffee Chat

Coffee Chat



Catch up with long-time friends and make new ones! Join Cville NOW members and friends at C'ville Coffee and Wine for conversation over your beverage of choice. Or grab some lunch--a variety of sandwiches and salads are on the menu.


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